Search for a Sold Secure approved product by category. Find a list of approval categories with details of products approved below.

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If you know the name of the item you are looking for then type it into the top keyword search box and click the orange “search” button. If however you are uncertain of the type of product required then please use the drop down boxes to assist you in your search. You may find it easier to click the “view all” under the product type box and then choose type of product, or alternatively click on the drop down menu for Grading. You can also type in the company name to search by manufacturer/supplier. When you’ve filled in the relevant box click on the orange “show” button to show approved products matching your search.

Please note that we base the ‘product type’ on information provided by the manufacturer/supplier. You may therefore find it easier to search only on grading to find the particular product you need. (Please note the boxes can be used independently of each other. Please also note that the abbreviation Com. stands for Commercial)


Sold Secure Approved Security Products...

Using a Sold Secure product can keep your property safe & secure